Unique Plaster Model and Galvano
Unadopted Design by Heinz Rodewald
For the 1986 German 5 Mark
Frederick the Great Commemorative

This is a unique plaster model and galvano from the estate of Heinz Rodewald. He is a famous German designer and is credited with the designs of 12 German coins. His designs are found on 5 Mark, 10 Mark and 20 Mark denominations, including the 1983 20 Mark commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther. Although his submitted design was rejected, it portrays a portrait of Frederick the Great, who is featured on many German coins and medals throughout the last two centuries.
The plaster model and galvano each measure 100mm (approximately 4 inches) in diameter. The galvano is bronze, with a weight of 218.00 grams. The plaster is in excellent overall condition with a small chip on the back. The bronze galvano is in original condition with a patina finish and exhibits some tarnish and discoloration which is typical.
A matching galvano is housed in the Münzkabinett of the State Museum of Berlin (Item 18232604). The museum describes the galvano as being designed by Heinz Rodewald for the 200th anniversary of the death of Frederick the Great. In the right obverse field is the designer's signature R (Heinz Rodewald). The museum notes that the Seiler Schöneiche foundry cast this galvano in 1990. They also mention the possibility that this galvano was a design for the 1986 5 Mark Commemorative coin of Frederick the Great that was not adopted. A search of the museum records indicates that there is only one other Heinz Rodewald galvano in their collection (Item 18232603) and features a similar design of Frederick the Great.
This galvano was produced in the Seiler foundry, located in Berlin, Germany with a history dating back to 1851. Over the years, the Seiler foundry became one of the most important bronze casting studios in Germany, casting sculptures for renowned artists such as Köthe Kollwitz and Richard Scheibe. After 1974, the company was nationalized and state-owned until 1990.
Frederick the Great ruled the Kingdom of Prussia from 1740 until 1786, the longest reign of any Hohenzollern king, at 46 years. His most significant accomplishments during his reign included his military victories, his reorganization of Prussian armies, his patronage of the arts and the Enlightenment and his final success against great odds in the Seven Years' War. Prussia had greatly increased its territories and became a leading military power in Europe under his rule. He became known as Frederick the Great.

Included with this set is the original
paper wrapper for the galvano, with
handwritten notations by Heinz Rodewald:

Here is the final adopted 5 Mark commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the death of Frederick the Great.
KM#165 1986 5 MARK
10.00 g., Copper-Nickel Clad Nickel, 29 mm. Subject: 200th Anniversary - Death of Frederick the Great Obv: Eagle above denomination Rev: Uniformed bust left, dates below.
Here is the 1983 20 Mark commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Martin Luther that was designed by Heinz Rodewald.
KM#94 1983 20 MARK
20.92 9. 0.500 Silver 0.3363 oz. ASW, 33 mm. Subject: 500th Anniversary - Birth of Martin Luther, Reformer Obv: State emblem divides date, denomination below Rev: Bust holding bible.